"Stromizmeritel" LLCHigh technologies in sphere of manufacture of glassmixture and differrent multicomponent mixtures
Automation of technological processes
Automation of technological processes
Installation and start-up of equipment
Installation and start-up of equipment
Installation and start-up of equipment
Batch equipment
Batch equipment
Batch house design
Batch house design
Service maintenance
Service maintenance
Service maintenance
Тechnology of multicomponent mixtures preparation
Тechnology of multicomponent mixtures preparation
Main page / Reference list / Other glass industries

Other glass industries

LLC “Umek”
Russia, Uzhnouralsk, the Chelyabinsk region
2007-2012, 2018
Project of insulator production batch plant with capacity 25 ton per day. Dosing-mixing lines. Technological equipment. Controlling system of batch plant equipment. Automation facilities
LLC UAIZ - “Proizvodstvo steklyannih izolyatorov” (glass insulator production)
Russia, Uzhnouralsk, the Chelyabinsk region
2006,2007, 2018
Reconstruction of batch plant. Technological equipment. Controlling system. Project of dosing line modernization. Project of glass mixture and cullet loading line to furnace. Automatic control system (software and equipment). Transport, dosing and technological equipment
LLC “Diatomit-Invest”
Russia, Ulyanovsk
2011, 2012-2013
Project of glass frit production plant. Technological equipment
OJSC “Termopribor”
Russia, Klin, the Moscow region
1999, 2001, 2012, 2013
Separate dosing units. Weighing trolley. Electronic weight dosing units
OJSC “Kurskmedsteclo”
Russia, Kursk
Project of batch plant. Dosing-mixing line. Technological equipment. Controlling system of batch plant equipment
LLC “Salavat katalizatorny zavod”
Bashkotorstan Republic, Salavat
Project of silicate lump production plant. Technological equipment. Automatic controlling system
OJSC SPO “Stekloplastik”
Russia, Andreevka village, Solnechnogork district, the Moskow region, Sudogda, the Vladimir region
Detailed design “Size applicator preparation section”. Technological equipment. Detailed design of dosing-mixing section. Dosing-mixing line. Controlling system of batch plant equipment
OJSC “Svet”
Russia, Smolensk
1998, 2006
Project of dosing-mixing line construction. Dosing-mixing line. Technological equipment of batch plant
OJSC “Saint-Gobain Vetrotex Steklovolokno”
Russia, Gus-Khrustalny
Separate dosing units. Technological equipment
OJSC “Polotsk-Steklovolokno”
Belarus Republic, Polotsk, the Vitebsk region
Feeder units
OJSC “Ukraine silicate”
Ukraine, Kherson
Project of dosing-mixing line. Technological equipment
OJSC “Objedinenie Stekloplastik”
Ukraine, Severodonetsk
Project of dosing-mixing line reconstruction
OJSC “Tverstecloplastik”
Russia, Tver
Project of batch plant. Dosing-mixing line. Technological equipment of batch plant
OJSC “Kalshnikovo elektrolampony zavod”
Russia, Kalashnikovo, the Tver region
2001, 2002
Project of dosing-mixing lines reconstruction. Dosing-mixing line. Technological equipment of batch plant. Controlling system of batch plant equipment
OJSC “Lisma”
Russia, Saransk
1998, 2000
Project of dosing-mixing line reconstruction. Dosing-mixing line. Technological equipment of batch plant. Controlling system of batch plant equipment
Russia, Moskow
1997, 1999
Project of dosing-mixing line reconstruction. Dosing-mixing line. Separate dosing units. Controlling system of dosing-mixing line
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+7 (831) 435-13-70